Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wasatch Back 2009

Okay, so I'm a little behind in my posts. But I had to share some pictures from our 31-hour, 187.5 mile relay from Logan to Park City. Our start time was 12:45 pm, Friday, June 19th. We ran through heat, rain, dark, animal sightings, hail, and cold. We had 12 people on our team, with 3 drivers. We lived out of our 2 vans, and catnapped when we could. It was a great experience and I can't wait to do it again next year!
Our Fearless Driver, Matt
Mark after our 2 hour nap at Marcie's parents house.

Bill running like a mad man.

Cannon snoozing in the van. Believe me, he EARNED this nap!

Brent and me doing our chip commercial right after my second run. You gotta entertain yourself any way you can, right?

Stretching and waiting for the handoff before my 2nd run.

Mark handing the baton (slap bracelet) off to Cannon at 5:30 in the morning. We had to wear reflective vests and carry a flashlight or wear a headlamp during the dark hours. They were stylin'!

Brent and Cannon ran the "Ragnar Hill" which was in Wasatch Mountain State Park. It was a dirt road with about an 8% uphill grade if I remember right. Pictures just don't show how hard these two runs were. And it started raining during Brent's run. This picture was obviously before Brent started.

The handoff. These two definitely earned my respect!

Just before Brent handed off to me for my last run, it started hailing! And I must say that hail hurts bare legs! I passed this little snowman someone had made from the hail and made Matt go back and take a picture of it. It rained pretty hard for all of my 7.3 mile run. I was a popsicle by the time I finished. Then I handed off to Bill, who was our last runner, and we headed to the finish line to wait for him.

This is most of our team huddled at the finish line. It was still raining and cold, but at least we were finished running, right? Except that they have your entire team run the last few hundred yards to the finish line. So you wait for your runner and then join them so that they can take official pictures, etc.
Our team sporting our Wasatch Back 2009 medals. Don't we look tough?


Alona said...

That's so awesome and your pictures are great! I was shocked to see Mark. He came on that cruise with us a few years ago. . . the one Brent almost missed! :)

Jennifer said...

WOW!! YOU are all my heros. I think I will could only drive the van for you. I admire people who can run! YOU should come run down here!! :) At least you won't be cold.

Xazmin said...

And you want ME to do this next year?

So awesome that you did this though!

Susannah said...

Incredible! I can barely run a mile!!

Valerie said...

Cannon says he's in for next year! You guys are so cool. Way to go. And -- you are all also a little crazy. Maybe a LOT crazy. Guess that's partly why I love you. . .