Friday, November 14, 2008

I Hate Moving

I realized a long time ago that I really hate the moving process. Why this hasn't stopped me from moving...who knows? But it hasn't. Matt and I decided to buy the house directly across the street from where we live now. (Double the square footage, craft room that's ONLY for crafts, huge master bedroom, STORAGE space, etc.) So we're not packing up boxes, having lots of friends over to help load a truck, having more friends over to unload the truck and then unpacking boxes. That method is bad enough. But no...we decided it would just be easier to carry stuff directly across. For the last week or so, I've been filling bins with items from our house, taking it across the street (with several strange looks from passersby), putting the stuff away, and bringing back the empty bin. Sounds great, right? No boxes, no unpacking that takes months. I thought so too, until I made about a thousand trips across the street and I'm not even close to being finished. And we haven't even started to move the furniture. We have a LOT of stuff. Yikes! Luckily we do have friends who are coming to help us finish Saturday, not to mention those who have already helped me carry lots of stuff across.

So Matt gets to listen to me whine while he reclines and watches TV. (He got a pressure sore on the bottom of his foot and he's supposed to stay off it for a while or it will continue to get worse. I think he bribed the doctor.)

All I can say...thank goodness for amazing friends who are also willing to carry about a thousand loads across the street.


Cassie said...

I'm saying that timing on Matt's foot is pretty suspicious. I'd get a second opinion if I were you... :)

Ick, sorry about all the trips across the street. But just think about when it's all done. Just the craft room DEDICATED to crafts will be 100% worth your effort.

Gayle said...

I hate moving too! We've done it 15 times in our married lives. I love the pictures of La Jolla! Kris and his family live there now. We're visiting them for Thanksgiving. Good luck with the move.

Valerie said...

So, did you stop at the trash can now and then b/c tossing it would be easier than carrying it? heh-heh. Wish I were closer to help more!

Matt & Andrea said...

I thought about burning a lot of it. But my more sane side won out in the end.

MerrittBadges said...

Do you still have things to carry? I'd be more than happy coming over and carrying accross the street. Sorry you got to move. I hate it so much, I don't every want to do it again. I can happily live here for the rest of my life, or at least until I'm rich enough to pay someone else to move for me!!!